Each season comes with its set of energy myths. The goal is to have consumers that know how to help themselves the best they can. Although some things are out of our control, we can certainly put our best foot forward and make good decisions in our house holds to help put some extra change in our bank accounts.
Winter Energy Myths
1. Electricity prices go up in the winter.
It’s a common misconception that electricity prices are driven by the season. In actuality, prices are put together using a various metrics, but beyond that, the government has a hand in regulation of pricing to ensure that a company’s prices don’t get out of hand.
Retail Electric Providers will utilize the misconceptions regarding seasons to offer other discounted plans. It’s important to educate yourself on how to read an electricity bill along with the charges that are added on beyond the rate per KwH. Selecting the wrong electric plan can result in higher payments.
2. Space heaters save you money
Space heaters are so nice. You can set one up by the couch and have your feet toasted as your wrap yourself up in a blanket. One space heater can eat up roughly $4.00 worth of electricity in an hour. Plug in a few of those throughout the house and you are driving the electricity cost up.
3. I cannot get disconnected.
Some people believe that harsh weather conditions can prevent their accounts from being disconnected. That simply is not true, whether it’s blistering hot or freezing cold an unpaid energy bill is at risk from being disconnected.
Although it can seem intimidating in situations in need, the best course of action is to contact your provider to let them know you are in need. Depending on your situation, there are times when a payment arrangement can be set up to help you through tough times. Beyond that, providers may have information on how to get additional assistance.
Before you just stop paying, make that phone call.
4. Turning electronics on and off saves money
We were raised to turn off the TV and lights as you left a room. Parents are notorious for trying to all ways to save some money. It turns out that our parents were partially right. Rather than just turning off the lights, but also unplug any appliances or TV’s that aren’t being used. Even if something is plugged in but off, it is still pulling electricity.
Although it may not be an immediate reduction, over time the effort is worth the savings.
5. There is no reason to put the ceiling fan on
Ceiling fans are incredible creations. In the summer it can help keep you cool, but in the winter, they serve a completely different purpose. Although they will not help you produce heat, by changing the direction of the blades, the warm air that rises to the top of the room is pushed down to where we all can enjoy it.
Flip the switch and change the direction, you won’t regret it. Just remember to change it back before summer time hits.
BONUS: Switching companies is a time consuming and painful process.
We are so certain that your transition to Power Now TX will be flawless, we are willing to guarantee it. If, for any reason, Power Now TX disconnects your service during the switching process, we will pay your first month’s bill. No questions asked.